Thursday, 22 April 2010

Well its been quiet round here for a while...

Hmm, how things change...

So after a year where I lost my job, had to live with my gran for a while back in deepest darkest yorkshire, then decided I needed to get back into education to increase my design knowledge base, I find myself out in Milan doing a Masters in Interior Design at the Scuola Politecnica di Design.

After a heavy week at Saloni where I was exhibiting hand woven carpets with some colleagues, then a horrible flu which has kept me in bed for a day I find myself back on the blogs and thinking about our next project, a retail design for a major trainer brand...

So I happened upon this little gem from

My favourite architect, Masamichi Katayama of Wonderwall fame and his latest store in Harajuku, the new Nike Flagship...

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