Tuesday, 25 March 2008


As an architect and designer its always nice to see new ideas popping up.

This kiosk/cafe by DSDHA in Potters Field, London is interesting in the fact it utilises charred wood to create a beautiful colour, making it stand out in this world of glass, steel and concrete.

I say bring on more challenging ways to utilise an already common material, but just make sure it looks as good as this...

I'm raven I'm raven

Tears from my eyes, since you gone, all I do is cry...

OK so its not ravin' in the 90's sense of the word, but these raven hangers by Ingibjorg Hanna are the best alternative to the simple wooden hanger I've seen in a while...

Elph - Spirits & Bitumen @ Recoat Glasgow

There's a new exhibition by Edinburgh local boy Elph down at the Recoat Gallery over in Glasgow at the moment.

I've yet to make it over there myself, but last time I saw Elph down at the GRV he was knocking out some seriously sweet artwork. Really have to get some of his stuff on my otherwise fairly drab walls....
Keep an eye out for a sketch book too, made in conjunction with Analogue Books here in Edinburgh, the best spot for rinsing wads of cash on quality design & art books.

Friday, 21 March 2008

Day 1

This morning (we living lately in the garret,) I rose, put on my suit with great skirts, having not lately worn any other, clothes but them. - The Diary of Samuel Pepys

Ok, So I'm not living in the Garret, but I thought a wee excerpt from the diaries of my name sake would be a good start to my own diaries.

Got my Visvim Ballistic K backpack this morning, and if you don't know you should have a wee gander. These babies are as technical as any high end boarding backpack, but its got Elk leather and rubberised hardware, and in all white it looks uber dope.